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Supreme Court Justices in Practical ECCMIS Session
Members of the Technical Committe (standing), taking the Hon. Justices(seated) through the practical session at Supreme Court

The Justices of the Supreme Court have undergone practical sessions on how to utilize the Electronic Court Case Management Information System (ECCMIS) to prepare them for the upcoming Civil Appeals and Civil Applications sessions set for 12thApril, 2022.

Members of the ECCMIS Technical Committee took Justices; Hon. Lady Justice Faith Mwondha, Hon. Lady Justice Percy Tuhaise, and Hon. Justice Mike Chibita through the practical exercises on how to effectively use the new System.

The Supreme Court Deputy Registrar, HW Mary Babirye said the exercise had been organized to ensure that their Lordships can easily "log in, access a file, close and open files while using ECCMIS. "This activity was meant to see how good they are in applying the ECCMIS procedures while presiding over. After this exercise,we shall ensure that we continue going to Justices' chambers to take them through the system," she said.

Posted 12th, April 2022
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